MERN stack is a technological stack that consists of four technologies which are Mongo DB, Express JS, React JS, and Node JS. Using the MERN stack allows a business to develop the backend, front-end, and database components of an application.
Why Do Companies Use MERN Stack?
React JS is one of the most popular libraries in the world and it is an essential component of the MERN stack. Using React simplifies the Web Development approach and the creation of User Interfaces. MERN stack is an easy-to-use and learn platform and it using it allows developers to develop the front end and back end with just JavaScript. This is an effective and cost-friendly solution and is well supported by Facebook. To further know about it, one can visit the MERN Stack Course Syllabus. Below are some of the significant reasons why companies use MERN Stack.
- Codes arereusable - MERN stack has reusable codes and a web app created with MERN can be reused on multiple platforms
- Open-sourceTech Stack - Being an open-source tech, it allows companies to change ormove to another vendor easily.
- Compatible- The MERN stack is a very compatible platform capable of working seamlessly on any operating system.
- Boostedsecurity- Using this platform links the apps with safe hosting providers and reduces the chances of cyber-crimes.
- Immediateactions - It works in real-time and provides you with timely updates & notifications without refreshing again and again.
How is A Career in MERN Stack?
MERN stack is one of the most in-demand technologies of this era and many companies prefer using it because of its versatility, and scalability. Learning the MERN stack can be a very wise choice for career growth as the demand for MERN stack professionals is increasing day by day. This technological stack provides a promising future for developers and with a decent experience in it, you can get high salaries and promising job opportunities. Many companies use the MERN stack and look towards hiring a MERN Stack Developer. MERN stack offers numerous high-paying careers which are as follows.
- Front-end Developers
- Back-end Developers
- Full stack Developers
- Database Developers
- UI/UX Developers
- DevOps Engineer
- Product Manager
Basic Interview Questions for MERN Stack Developer Role
What is replication in MongoDB?
Replication refers to the processof synchronizing the data across servers.
What is Mongoose?
Mongoose helps in providing a schema-based solution for modeling the application data.
What is CallBack Hell?
It is a condition that occurs when many asynchronous functions are chained together.
Explain stub in Node.js.
Stubs play an important role in development and they are used for writing tests.
What is the primary difference between afunctional component & a class component?
A functional component accepts props as an argument and returns a React element and a class component needs you to extend from React & create a render function that returns a React element.
What is the use of Redux?
Redux is primarily useful for the application state management. This feature helps in maintaining the application’s state in a single immutable state tree or object that can’t be changed directly.
How is BSON beneficial in Mongo DB?
BSON is a computer interchange format useful for managing data storage.
How does Node JS prevent the blocking code?
Node JS comes with a callback function and uses it whenever any corresponding event is triggered.
The Express JS, React JS, NodeJS, and Mongo DB technologies make up the MERN stack, a technological stack. A company can create the front-end, back-end, and database elements of an application by utilizing the MERN stack. Because of its adaptability and scalability, MERN stack is one of the most sought-after technologies of this period, with many businesses choosing to adopt it. Given above are a few necessary interview questions regarding the MERN stack.